I Am Thankful For You

         I am thinking of those people who's always been there at my side, through my darkest and brightest days... you don't know how thankful I am to you, I am truly grateful for you being there, helping me, to be my backbone at the moment...

I always overlook my blessings, but now I want to take this opportunity to Thank You (and you know who you are), know that even we fight sometimes or get mad at each other because of our mood swings please always remember that I am so grateful to meet you. I am sorry if sometimes, I am not there with you or you know how stubborn I am hehe ~ and especially when I forgot to tell you I am thankful for always making time for me.

    You even see my darkest attitudes/sides but you're still there, you never get tired of me, of my rants, my never ending repetitive problems (lol). You even know that I am a crybaby and you never judge me for that, you even accompanied me whenever I cry or when I am sad. I always pray to God that our relationship will last because if I will be honest, I really love how we are deeply emotionally connected.
When I share my problems or chika's to you, you are just there gracefully listening. Even when you did not experienced the situation I am in, you had the potential to help me without judging or being biased on my situation.

I cannot put it into words because deep inside my heart, you know how I am always thankful to have you at my side, I may be strong outside but you know that inside I am suffering, I am sad and I needed someone who will help me. You know that I always cry (silently without knowing) at night, that sometimes I may smile at you but you know I am not okay. I always miss your warm hugs and care for me. Thank you so much for existing. I hope for your happiness because you deserve it (wishing that it would be a genuine happiness and is rooted in honesty). 

Thank you Q~ I love you both! 



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