Day 2 - Anger

                 A day that I realized that I was living in the past that's why I overlooked the blessings that are given to me during those times and now is the time that is full of regrets, thoughts of me saying "I should have been grateful, I should have been more appreciative, I should have been more respectful"
I waste those times and now I am regretting... 

"Don't do things that you'll regret, REGRET is the most painful thing in life" -Vincenzo

        If I will be ask what are the things that I regret the most? It's my attitude.
I was impatient, easy to anger and has lack of self-love, until I realized someone has withdrawn to me and that person became distant. I always live with a pain in my heart because of that regret, it's not easy to live like that because anytime you can cry and it feels like there is a ticking bomb inside my heart.

This lesson was really a challenging one for me, it's not easy to make it up to yourself... to make things right for yourself because you know you have a loooooot of toxic traits you've created because the pain let control you. This was one of the challenges in my life that made me doubt of myself, I doubt that I can never be a better person because of my mistakes and I fear that I am not capable of choosing the right decisions every time life gives me a challenge.

        BIIGGESST STEEEPSS and a lot of courage is a must for me to be able to surpass this. It's not easy right? But I guess, it is still worth it. I know it is.
Keep moving forward even it is hard...

I am easily angered by my thoughts and I knew after all that had happened, this is one of the character I want to remove in my life. Because if you keep that kind of attitude, you could destroy yourself.
Do not do things out of anger. Never ever ever ever let anger control you, I know it easier to be said than done but unless you want to live your life in regrets.... 

And one of the biggest lessons I always wanted to remember:

1. Don't say things that will make you regret later in life

2. Always be mindful of your thoughts

3. Never speak when you are angry, have some time to gather your thoughts until you've able to fix it.

4. Do not let a day passed without saying thank you (it could be for someone, God, or yourself)

Fighting always! Remember that you could do it even it is hard. Feel and endure the pain, be patient-move forward and always root for the positivity! :))
You are doing your best, don't stress yourself! I am proud of you :)



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