1. Racket Boys Characters : - Kim Sang-Kyung - Tang Joon-Sang - Son Sang-Yeon - Choi Hyun-Wook - Kim Kang-Hoon Episodes : 16 Running Time : Mon and Tue If you already watch 'move to heaven' then you could also like this one. You may not see what the truth behind this goo drama but it may touch your heart. This drama depicts different kinds of story, wherein you will see how much you are blessed as a person and the problems you are facing are smaller than other people's problem, I must say that when you see and heard other people's problem you will come to the point of realization where you will see that your problem is not that serious and there are other people who have bigger problems than yours. I am not saying that you should not take seriously when it comes to your small problems, but you see. If you will be more open minded, you will come to the point where you should be grateful...